High Cl Content Chlorinated Polyethylene Manufacturer
This is a type of high Cl content Chlorinated Polyethylene Resin.Hot Tags : chlorinated polyethylene price chlorinated pe chlorinated polyethylene cpe chlorinated polyethylene uses chlorinated polyethylene cpe 135a cpe 135
CPO CL Modified Adhesion Promoter Chlorinated Polyolefin Resin Equivalent to Hardlen
iSuoChem® CPO 300 chlorinated polyolefin resin is a solvent soluble chlorinated polypropylene adhesion promoter.Hot Tags : CPO Resin Modified chlorinated polypropylene Adhesion promoters CPO toyobo hardlen hardlen 13-LP
Waterbased Styrene Acrylate Copolymer Emulsion for Industrial Paint
Waterproofing Industrial paint/coating (Latex paint, Cement waterproof coating, Architectural coating) grade Waterbased styrene acrylate copolymer emulsion.Hot Tags : acrylic copolymer emulsion Waterbased Acrylate emulsion styrenated acrylic emulsion Acrylic Emulsion for coating acrylic emulsion price acrylic emulsion waterproofing
Waterbased Copolymer Styrene Acrylic Emulsion for Construction coating
Construction coating/paint usesHot Tags : Acrylic Emulsion for Construction Paint Acrylic Emulsion for Architectural Coating Acrylic Emulsion for Building Coating Acrylic Emulsion for industrial coating Acrylic Emulsion for industrial paint Styrene Acrylate Copolymer Emulsion
Water/acid/alkali resistant CPP chlorinated PP resin for PP coatings
AG-526T Chlorinated pp resin ( CPP Resin ) from iSuoChemHot Tags : CPP for PP coating chlorinated PP for printing inks modified CPP adhesion promoter CPP resin for dry lamination Mixed solvent CPP resin China chlorinated PP manufacturer
Hydrogenated C9 Hydrocarbon Resin for Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
Hydrogenated C9 Hydrocarbon Resin for Pressure Sensitive AdhesivesHot Tags : Hydrogenated Hydrocarbon Resin C9 Hydrogenated Hydrocarbon Resin for adhesives Hydrocarbon Resin C9 resin C9 for HMA C9 for PSA
High Alkali PVA Resin Polyvinyl Alcohol
Total list for High Alkali PVA Polyvinyl Alcohol resin.Hot Tags : Polyvinyl Alcohol PVA Polyvinyl Alcohol Vinyl Alcohol Polymer Resin High Alkali Polyvinyl Alcohol High Alkali PVA Water Soluble Polyvinyl Alcohol
Low Alkali Vinyl Alcohol Polymer Resin PVA Polyvinyl Alcohol
Polyvinyl alcohol 17-99, also known as sizing resin, referred to as PVA17-99. White or yellowish powder or floc solid.Hot Tags : Polyvinyl Alcohol resin PVA resin Low Alkali Polyvinyl Alcohol Low Alkali PVA Low Alkali Polyvinyl Alcohol Resin
Vinyl Chloride VC copolymer C-MP15 replacement for laroflex MP 15
iSuoChem® Vinyl Chloride Co-polymer CMP 15 resin is an alternative product for BASF Laroflex MP 15 resin.Hot Tags : Vinyl Chloride MP15 resin Low viscosity MP15 resin MP15 replacement for laroflex laroflex MP15 for paints laroflex MP15 for coatings MP15 for metal paint
Vinyl chloride copolymers alternative laroflex MP 35 for coating
iSuoChem® CMP35 resins can be perfectly alternative for BASF Laroflex MP 35.Hot Tags : Laroflex MP35 MP 35 for coating MP 35 alternative for laroflex Vinyl chloride copolymers MP 35 for paints MP35 for coating
High modulus Synthetic Polyvinyl Alcohol PVA Fiber to replace industrial asbestos
5mm W2 PVA Fiber is a synthetic fiber made from Polyvinyl Alcohol as the main raw material.Hot Tags : High modulus PVA Fiber PVA Fiber replacing asbestos High Strength Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber PVA fibre anti-aging PVA fiber PVA asbestos